Acupuncture Ontario, Authentic Chinese Acupuncture for Fertility, Sciatica, Migraines, Allergies, Pain and Depression
We Specialize in Acupuncture & Chinese Medicine!
First and foremost, we specialize in Traditional Chinese Medicine, acupuncture and Chinese herbs and that is all we do. Having been in practice for over twenty years, we have successfully treated thousands of satisfied clients for Infertility, Sciatica, Migraine, Neck, Shoulders & Back Pain, Allergies, Anxiety and Depression.. Located in Brampton, we serve also Georgetown, Bolton, Caledon, Mississauga, Peel, Norval, Halton Hill, Vaughn, Woodbridge and the GTA. We achieve great results by adhering to the most authentic classical Chinese medicine practice by using proper TCM diagnostic techniques to determine and treat the root causes, as well as providing relief to the symptoms, thereby providing our clients with truly holistic treatments. We put our patients first and always take the time to clearly explain everything. In that way, we work as a team with our patients to get noticeable improvements quickly.
Feel free to browse the site and learn more about TCM and acupuncture. If you have any questions or want to book an appointment, please give us a call at 905-455-2105 or email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Our location: 10 Gillingham Drive, Suite 209, Brampton, Ontario, L6X 5A5. Near the south-west corner of Main St. & Bovaird Dr.
How are we different?
We are fully trained in Traditional Chinese Medicine, which is the system of medicine behind acupuncture, herbs, etc.. We only practice TCM and acupuncture, which means that we specialize in this field, in contrast to some practitioners who are primarily physiotherapists, chiropractors, naturopaths etc. who also do acupuncture.
Our Approach
We are practitioners of Traditional Chinese Medicine and acupuncture and that is all we do.
Classical Chinese medicine diagnostic technique 望聞問切 is what we use to fully determine the root causes of your health issues. In a truly holistic manner, we also assess your life style and dietary patterns and provide advice on how you can adjust them to speed up your recovery through acupuncture treatments.
We spend the time to explain the diagnosis and discuss how the course of treatments will be done.
Our Facilities
Our clinics are professional, clean, modern, bright and spacious. We follow strict guidelines to keep our facilities, equipment, instruments, tools and supplies clean and fresh to ensure your safety.
Our Practitioners
We have 2 pracitioners of acupuncture and Chinese medicine, Josephine Chan and Joseph Siu.
Josephine Chan, R.Ac., R.T.C.M.P. was trained in acupuncture and Chinese medicine at the renowned Beijing University of Chinese Medicine in Beijing, China. Her clinical practice covered many hospitals in Beijing and Guang Zhou, China. She has been practicing acupuncture and TCM for over twenty two years in Brampton and Toronto,